Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Show Goes On

I'm an official alumnus from the University of Illinois as of May 14, 2011. Um, what? Where has the time gone? As I sat in my seat during commencement, I rewound all the memories over the past four years and wondered how it all led to that day. I reminsced my accomplishments, the nights out with my friends, the long days and nights of studying, the sporting events, and in entirety, my college experience.

Many don't know that I fought my way to U of I. My dad was pretty adamant about me attending the community college near my house. I knew that route wasn't for me so I went behind his back, accepted to U of I, and paid my deposit for the dorm. Needless to say, he wasn't too happy when he found out. But thanks to my Mom, she decided to help me with my college loans and from there, the rest is history.

I arrived as a freshman more excited than I had ever been. It was my time to shine, my time to succeed, my time to discover myself and the path I would take to the future. The thing I wanted to do the rest of my life turned out to be not for me. I waved good-bye to journalism and embraced advertising. Never would I have thought the field would make as much of an impact on my life that it has. I've found my calling (or so I think).

The last four years have been a whirlwind full of laughter, tears, stress, smiles, and bittersweet memories (that may or may not be remembered). I just can't believe it's all over. The last week, I was praying Ashton Kutcher would just pop out and yell, "You just got PUNKed!" Too bad this is real life.

The future is hazy. I thought I knew what I wanted, but now it's all a little confusing, frustrating, and scary. I really don't know where to go from here and I certainly don't know how to feel at this crossroad in my life. But I know I'm not alone. Some of us are moving halfway across the country to follow our dreams. Some of us are starting our first job - maybe our dream job, maybe one we've settled for. Some of us are preparing for even more school ahead. Some of us are just crusing through this thing we call life until we figure out what the hell we want.

I learned a lot at U of I, in and out of the classroom. But the most profound thing I learned there was to truly follow your dreams. Don't pick the job you know you won't like just because it pays more. Don't listen to anyone but yourself. Don't ever settle for anything. Do what you want and do what makes you happy.

I will admit I cried during my graduation. I couldn't help it. I've followed my dreams thus far - hit some bumps along the road and maybe didn't always get what I want - but the point is I've aimed high and succeeded and that is something I can be proud of. U of I not only gave me that confidence, but gave me the best of friends.

You all know who you are. As cliche as it all sounds, I wouldn't be the person I am today if I had not met each and every one of you that remain dear to my heart. You each made my experience at college so unique, exhiliarating, and memorable. I cannot thank you enough. And it saddens me to know that many of the people that have touched my life, I won't be seeing on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. It could be a yearly basis now, if not ever again.

So here I am. An alumnus of U of I. Not really sure what my future holds. Not really sure where my path will take me. Not really sure what I want. All I know is I'm going to keep taking deep breaths, knowing that everything will happen the way it is supposed to. Because after all, as Lupe Fiasco would say it, "the show goes on."

With deep breaths and wonder,

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