Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Little About Me.

"Who are you?"

I’m Kelly Nash. My name just kinda flows, so most people always refer to me as “KellyNash” as if my name is just one word. Feel free to call me that (or any of my other nicknames: Kel, KellyBelly, KayNay, K-Nash, K-Nashty; they could literally go on forever).

I’m known for my sappy comments (people love to make fun of me for this), my clumsiness (I trip over everything), my blondness (even though I’m not a real blonde), laughing at my own jokes (when no one else thinks they’re funny), and being born with 11 fingers and 11 toes (yes, this is true).

Over the years, I’ve realized a few valuable things about myself. I can be negative at times, but I have a positive outlook on life. I can be selfish about what I want to do and what I want, but I will always put others before myself. I sometimes feel like I’m not good enough, but I will always stand up for myself and for what I believe in. I fight with my dad the most out of anyone in this world, but that’s only because he and I are exactly alike. I guard my heart and am afraid of getting hurt, but I will open up when I think the time is right. I sometimes have the worst luck, but then my lucky moments make me appreciate every moment I do have.

I picked up “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss and read it cover to cover before I turned 3 years old. I decided in just the 5th grade that I was going to write a book someday and even then began scribbling down ideas to get started. By the 7th grade, I already knew I was going to push to go away to college; where I would actually go didn’t present itself until my senior year of high school. My freshman year at the University of Illinois was when I decided to become an advertising major, even though I knew absolutely nothing about it; my sophomore year, I realized I was destined for the field. It was also my sophomore year that I decided to sit down, exert my emotions, and dive into writing an actual book that I hope to get published in the near future. Now, it's the end of my senior year and in just a few short weeks, I will begin my journey of ‘big girl’ world.

Needless to say, if you were to ask me what one word I would choose to describe myself, I would tell you that I am determined.

I’m determined to set myself apart from the crowd. I’m a leader, not a follower. I like to scare myself a little and push myself to limits I didn’t think I could do.

I’m determined to make a difference. I know I can’t make a dent in the problems of this world, but I can make a dent in the lives of my family and friends. I put my all into spending time with my family and being there for my friends.

I’m determined to live life to the fullest. I treasure each moment and try to go above and beyond with the experiences I have. I also want to explore the world and break free of my comfort zone.

I’m determined to see beauty in the simple things: a smile from a stranger, a clear blue sky, a run where you feel nothing can stop you, that connection you get when you’re with all your closest friends in a room, giving up your seat for an elderly person, a kiss from a loved one, a handwritten letter, a phone call just to say hi, a shoulder to cry on, an embrace from someone you haven’t seen for months, lighting candles, giving and receiving flowers, buying someone dinner when they don’t expect it, and most importantly, being vulnerable and opening your heart.
Nothing is guaranteed, so I cherish every breath, every laugh, every hug, and every experience I have. And the motto that gets me through this thing called life? Everything happens for a reason.

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