Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Live A Little.

All my life, my father has drilled the fact in my head that I should save my money. Save it for my student loans (that are currently looming and begin this November). Save it for a new car I will eventually need. Save it for my future. Save it...simply to save. Maybe I'm just naive and too focused on life to save my money. But is that so wrong?

I see life as a short opportunity. An opportunity where you learn, grow, and experience. Why should money get in the way of that? Ever since I can remember, I've realized that when I want something, I go and get it. I don't listen to anyone; I don't listen to rationale, advice, anything. I listen only to myself and what I want to do. And maybe that's wrong. And maybe that's why I sometimes get into trouble. Maybe that's why sometimes I feel a little lost. But frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I figure, it's my life and I'll do what I want with it.

Case in point - spring break vacation. My parents warned me I probably shouldn't be going on vacation. "You can't afford it. "You should save your money." "Just because you're getting a tax refund doesn't mean you should spend it." "Don't forget about those student loans.." Okay, I get all of that. And maybe I should be a little more responsible when it comes to money. But do any of you feel like you just want to experience the world? Live a little on the wild side? Take the chance and worry about the consequences later? That's how I feel.

I randomly went on a whim last night and impulsively bought plane tickets to Puerto Rico, as well as a hotel room for 4 nights for my spring break with one of my best friends. Smart? Maybe not. Awesome? I think so.

When will I ever have this opportunity again? Let's face it, this is my last spring break, as it is for many of you. This is the last time we can actually be a little irresponsible and worry about the consequences later. I like to think of myself as completely driven, responsible, and rational. And this is a vacation I need. A vacation where I can just relax, explore, and actually BREATHE. And you know what? I deserve it. And I can't wait.

With irresponsibility,

1 comment:

  1. Thats why I up and decided to move to aussieland for 5 months!

