Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A little change here, a little change there.

As I sit on my comfy single bed at home looking out at the winter wonderland outside, I can't help but feel a series of different emotions. 2011 so far has been a great year (I just got back from an amazing vacation in Colorado - went snowboarding and visited 4 of my friends). But as I look ahead at my year, I know I am going to face some significant changes in my life.

Half of my Chi Omega pledge class is abroad which is weird in itself and a few of those girls are some of my best friends. What am I going to do without them this semester? When will I even see them next since I'm graduating?

Which brings me to my next point - I'm graduating. I always heard college went "so fast" but never in the world would I have believed that. But now I do. It seems that the past four years have gone by so quickly that all the memories are jumbling up together. It scares the hell out of me that I am done with college in a short 4 1/2 months (not even). However, at the same time, it's exciting. I'll be starting a new chapter - the real world.

I have been actively searching and applying for jobs in different cities all over the U.S. I figure, the real world is scary enough, so why not brave it out in a whole new city where I know relatively no one? I see it as a challenge. Who knows where I'll end up, but wherever I do, I am anxious and excited.

I am back from Colorado, a vacation where I was able to sit back, relax, do something I love (snowboard), and enjoy the time I had with my friends I don't see very often anymore. Now that I'm home and back to reality, I am a bit sad. On the plane home I realized just how much has changed over the years, and just how much is changing as I even type this. But it's time to move on. Keep my chin up. And throw on a smile. Life is short and is constantly changing.

I may have some bittersweet memories occurring in the near future, but I know I am going to cherish every single one of them.

With bittersweet changes,

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