Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saying Good-Bye for Good.

You know the saying, "you live, you learn"?? Well speaking from experience, I lived, and I learned.

Friends, family, acquaintances...they ALL told me to be careful. "He's going to hurt you." "He's a jackass." "He screwed you over once; he'll do it again." "Don't trust him."

So what did I do? I didn't listen. I figured, this is my choice. It's my life. I knew I was putting myself in a vulnerable position, but I just had to know if there was a second chance for us, especially after all the years that had passed and we still had something there. Little did I know, it was a one-sided street. I actually don't know to this day if he truly meant everything he said, but my assumption is going to go with, I HIGHLY doubt it. Actions will always speak louder than words. I noticed certain actions that just weren't normal through our second-run of a relationship (if you want to call it that). I kept ignoring them though, because I was constantly reminding myself of all the good memories we had together. Those always canceled out the bad.

Well, long story short, I learned enough was enough. I finally put my foot down when I realized I really wasn't happy. How can a person be happy when you barely even talk to the person throughout the week and your relationship is basically a secret? No thanks. I'm not one to stay in a relationship just because I want a boyfriend. If you're not happy, GET OUT. And that's just what I did.

I learned today that the person that had a hold of my heart for a long six years has a new official girlfriend, just three weeks after us breaking up. Well, good for him. I'm not bitter. I lived. And I learned. I have no regrets because I learned we will never have a relationship - or friendship for that matter - in this lifetime. I've learned he's no good for me and I can do better. I've learned from my mistakes and am moving in a new direction.

It's weird that trials like these make you realize certain things in your life and how they put you into a new perspective. I'm doing just fine. I will be fine. I'm saying good-bye for good and will never look back.

With no regrets,

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