Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So I was sitting in my advertising class today and our advisor unknowingly sparked a thought in my head to write about what he talked about in class. It wasn't really anything to do about advertising and the campaign we are composing, but rather, dating.

I've noticed I write a lot about this topic and the ups and downs of it, so why not go for another blog entry about it? Like my advisor said today, dating is NOT what it used to be back in the day.

He was saying how a guy had to muster up his courage and take the plunge to get a girl's number. Nowadays, boys don't really do that (and neither do girls). We now find someone we're interested in, keep it on the DL, scope them creepily on Facebook, hang out in a group setting a couple of times before something just naturally develops.

When did we all become such wimps? Like in a previous post of mine, I blame technology. As much as I love it and am incredibly being a hypocrite typing this (considering blogs are a newer well as my laptop), technology has undoubtedly done us some bad. I don't mean to be cynical, but really. We're all too scared to call someone new up and ask what they're doing. Instead, we resort to texting and Facebook chatting. Even when you're in the stage of hanging out with someone new, you do that too. It's almost as if you have more of a relationship with your phone/computer than that actual someone. How sad.

So, instead of taking the plunge and diving into the water headfirst, my advisor came up with the clever analogy (as you may have noticed, I am a sucker for analogies) that we now test the waters - we slowly dip our toes into the water to see how it feels. To see if it's worth trying. To see if we can ultimately get in the water.

I almost wish I lived back before computers and cell phones were invented so I could see what it was really like to have an actual, face-to-face relationship. Instead, I'm going to continue to get closer to my electronics than a guy. How romantic.

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