Sunday, January 24, 2010


We're not made of marble. We're not cold. We're not strong.

We're all a little fragile. Weak. Breakable.

As much as we don't want to admit it, we are all breakable. Things usually don't go the way we want them too many of the time. Things happen that make us want to break down. People make their way out of our lives and we have to carry on without them.

One of my friends just got back from Australia, after spending 5 amazing, remarkable months of her life. The best of her life. And now, she is back to the ordinary, hustle-bustle life of a normal college student. Naturally, she isn't taking it well, and who can blame her? You live in a country you might possibly might never go back to, go on numerous adventures, meet people you might possibly never see again. It's difficult to be strong after such a life-changing experience that you will never have again.

My other friend told me today, she hasn't cried to just cry in over a year. I told her I couldn't remember the last time I did either (despite when United Airlines lost my luggage in Colorado a couple of weeks ago). I honestly don't consider myself a "crier" but I do go through points in my life when that's all I want to do, but I don't let myself. I keep pushing forward, keep telling myself things will be okay, keep myself busy - so I don't have to think about whatever it is that's bothering me.

So my question to all of you is: what makes us breakable? What makes us strong to hold in our tears? Is holding back strong? Or is it being afraid to be breakable? Do we not want others to see us at our weakest?

My opinion - we're all a little breakable, whether we show it or not. We all experience pain, sadness, guilt, regret. But I'm not really talking about feeling these. The point of this post is to get you to think about what action you take from feeling those emotions.

So we're breakable. But that doesn't mean you have to let it consume your life. We can feel what we want to feel but there comes a point where you just need to put it to the side and close that chapter of your life. We can silently promise ourselves that we're going to move on. We can open our eyes and see the bigger picture. DO SOMETHING about your breakable-ness.

Live for today. Not for yesterday. Not for tomorrow. Live in the moment and realize someone could be in the same position as you. Someone could have it worse. That person that decided to not be in your life or won't give you the time of day - it's their loss.

So something in your life has shattered. It has made you breakable. But my advice is this: rise to the occasion and instead of moping around the broken pieces, pick them up. Throw them in the trash. And never look back. You have better things to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. this post reminds me of a quote that i heard on ESPN a few weeks ago: "adversity does not build character, it reveals character"

