Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ah, back to the C-U today. My other home. About a week ago, I wanted nothing to do with Champaign. I wanted to stay home as long as possible. But after watching friends from home go back to school, I realized I really can't wait to get back.

This past semester was brutal on my academic and social lives and even though I know this semester will be just as hectic, I have a feeling I'll have a little more time for myself (at least I hope). I am ecstatic to spend more time with my friends (especially the ones that are graduating...sad).

I've always noticed leaving home to go back to school is such a bittersweet feeling. You're happy to be leaving, starting fresh - the beginning of a new semester. You're happy to get away from the stresses and rules of the home life. You're happy just to be on your own again. But, at the same time, you're sad to leave your family behind, who you probably won't see for a couple months. You're sad to leave those friends from home and only keep in touch with them via Facebook and phone, which is nothing in comparison to hanging out with them. You're sad to leave your pets, who love you unconditionally no matter what. You're sad to actually leave your room that reminds you every time you walk into it of all your childhood and high school years.

Pulling out of the driveway is always the worst. That's when all the memories I made that weekend/month/break come rushing back to me and play like a movie in fast forward mode. I get this overwhelming feeling of sadness, but immediately shake it away. I have even better things coming.

That's when we're on the homestretch to Champaign, just pulling off the Market Street exit. That's when the feelings of familiarity, comfort, and happiness come flooding back. My home away from home. The place where I've met people who will be my friends for life. The place where I really grew up and became an individual.

The drive from Grayslake to Champaign is bittersweet. But then the bigger picture comes into play - mostly everything is bittersweet.

"When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."


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