Sunday, November 8, 2009

Looks aren't everything.

So I was flipping through a random magazine today and came across an article written by a male columnist. His topic was on chemistry. Not the class subject chemistry, but the chemistry that is a mysterious wonder in the people we are attracted to.

He talked about how he met a really attractive woman, who he later went on a couple of dates with. He realized they shared a ton in common -- she was basically his dream girl, until he realized there was no "spark." He talked to his friends about it, and his friends advised him to break things off since it was wasting not only his time, but the girl's too. However, the columnist proceeded to keep things going and then became sexually involved with her. He said things were great, except 2 weeks later, he realized things had run their course.

So why hadn't he just listened to his gut feeling and his friends? Because he thought he had someone he thought he wanted. However, it's not just about looks and our ideal man or woman we are looking for. Usually chemistry happens when we least expect it.

Take my friend for example. She is attracted to a guy who isn't so attractive. She's been questioning her feelings and asking me for advice on the matter because she doesn't know exactly why she feels the way she does. I told her that sometimes we can't control our feelings. I also could have told her it has to do with chemistry. I've been attracted to boys I know I shouldn't be, especially the one that has treated me unfairly in the past. But no matter how bad he treats me, I'm still crazy about him. It makes me wonder why I can't be with guys that actually do treat me right and that are pretty perfect for me. Guess that has to do with chemistry too. There just hasn't been a spark with those various other guys. The "spark" is an unexplainable, unidentifiable thing we talk about, but we are able to distinguish its presence when we feel it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that we need to stop having this idea in our heads of what and who is perfect for us. Because as far as I can see it, fate deals the cards and it's up to chemistry for a relationship to develop and ultimately last.

1 comment:

  1. us and are damn sparks. lol we need to get rid of them lol :)

