Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I was watching the Tyra show today (I was bored, okay?) and it was a segment on affairs and cheating. I was APPALLED when she said that 70% of people in relationships cheat. Seriously?

Here's my logic. I think no matter what, they're always going to be at least 2 people you are interested in. I've had countless relationships in my past, and I never was fully satisfied (not sexual, you pervs) emotionally. I am insecure, so I feed off attention to make me feel better. Sorry I'm human. Even when I was dating my high school sweetheart that I was irrevocably in love with, I still had little crushes on other guys throughout our relationship. I obviously didn't want to, but they were feelings I couldn't control.

And obviously, when people act on those tiny, and sometimes insignificant feelings, cheating occurs and as a result, feelings are running wild. You don't know whether to feel happy, guilty, upset...

I see cheating occurring all the time in the media on different TV shows here and there, as well as celebrities. And I'm aware of cheating that has gone on or that is going on with my friends or random people I know. What's sad is that I didn't know 70% of Americans are acting on feelings such as lust and desire to possibly ruin a perfectly good relationship. (Note: I realize sometimes some people cheat when they're in unhealthy relationships too..but duh...break up with your significant other then.)

Maybe this is why I have no trust in anyone.


  1. i think thats a bs fact


  2. kelly, the only reason i'd cheat on you is because you have snoring problems

    -secret lover

  3. haha whoa whoa whoa...that's ONLY when I have a stuff nose, thank you very much!

  4. chris slone is a tool!

  5. My favorite is people whose relationship status says, "It's complicated"... they should stop kidding themselves and change it to "Single".

    "Its complicated" = I am interested in other people, you're just not cutting it, and I may or may not cheat on you.

  6. its true u snore. but i still like snuggling with u. ;)

