Thursday, October 29, 2009


My first blog. I wonder how this will go. I figured I might as well start since I find such joy in writing Facebook notes. I'm sure people get annoyed by them, but writing is a passion I have. The past few days, I've almost been kicking myself for turning my back on journalism and switching my major to advertising. As much as I love advertising, I think I love writing more.

I really need to finish this book of mine. A year and 5 months later, the finished product is still not done. I guess I keep procrastinating since I don't really have the time...or maybe it's because I'm scared to actually finish it. I'm just a little afraid it's not going to be good enough. That no publisher will have any interest and I will have wasted countless hours adding imagery and carefully picking the most perfect words to make a sentence sound just right.

I keep wondering...can I make my living out of writing? Can I actually love my job and make money to support my family? If I could, I think I would do it in a heartbeat. But the future is unknown. Who knows, maybe I'll be on Oprah's book list someday....


  1. What's your book about?! I've always loved I have no idea why I'm an MCB major. BLAH.

  2. A girl that goes through a series of different guys when the right one was staring her in the face all along..and she realizes it when it's too late...

    And yeah..I wish writing could be a major..I'd for sure get A's in all my classes haha :)

