Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Adventures of an Interview...

So this is way overdue, but after reading my friend Molly's blog about her interview mishaps, I realized I had to share mine.

Let's rewind to 2 weeks ago. It was Tuesday, May 24. I had a second interview for my current employer. I couldn't decide if I wanted to drive downtown, or take the train as I had previously for my first interview. I decided on the drive, since I was going to a Cubs game later that night with my friend. I decided to park on his street and then take the L into the city, that would drop me off a block from the office. Perfect!

I left 2 1/2 hours early, just to be on the safe side. As many as you may or may not know, I have some of the worst luck of ALL time. When I want things to go my way, they never seem to do so. And of course, I was expecting leaving 2 1/2 hours early was plenty enough time, when I could realistically make it downtown in a half hour without traffic. Well, there was traffic. Not much, but still put me back at least 15 minutes. Great....

The plot thickens. My friend had told me I would have no problem finding free parking on his street. This is a lie. I finally found his new apartment and began looking for spots I could squeeze my '01 Oldsmobile Intrigue in (which, by the way, is my dad's old car). It has a dent on the front right side - not from me, because I've never gotten into an accident, nor gotten a ticket - he got it from hitting a snow bank. And he calls himself a retired police officer.

Anyways, parking was impossible. There were a few maybes, but they happened to be spots in between 2 different cars and I was not about to parallel park on a one-way street with cars driving behind me. Needless to say, I don't think I've even parallel parked correctly since my driving test when I was 16. I kept circling blocks (which all happen to be one way streets - even better!) and finally got out to just pay for parking. Instead of being a normal person and getting out the driver's side, I decided to climb over and get out the passenger side. Little did I know my little black blazer fell out (never saw it) and I realized parking was only for 2 hours. That wouldn't work. By this time, it was 3:15. Yeah, totally wasted an hour and 15 minutes. I got back in my car and drove off.

I FINALLY found a spot I could park into on my friend's street, smack dab in front of his apartment. YES! Now all I had to do was just find the L station. I looked on Google Maps and reached to grab my things. I realized my blazer is nowhere to be found. You have got to be kidding me...

Yep. It had fallen out and I drove away with it helplessly laying on the filthy curb. So, after the success of finding a spot, I reluctantly gave it up and sped heedlessly through town to (hopefully) collect my blazer. What do you know, it's nowhere to be found. I could NOT go into an interview with a sleeveless shirt. I got out of my car (the driver's side this time) and like a crazy person, asked the man in the car in front of me if he's seen my poor blazer. He said yes and pulled it out of his van (which looks similar to those creepy, windowless vans). Um, okay? I wondered what he was going to do with it. Give it to his wife? Donate it? Keep it for himself? Whatever.

I sped, once again, back to the street I had parked on before, praying to God that the spot I had was still there. And it was! THANK GOD. I then began running to the L station. Once I got there, I had to wait 10 minutes for the L to actually show up. It was now 4:05.

Needless to say, I didn't get to the office until 4:40 - 10 minutes late. I thought to myself, I'm done for. Absolutely done for. I left the interview thinking I was going to get a reject letter.

But then the news came the very next day. I got it!

Moral of the story - crappy things may happen to us and delay us, but sometimes, life has a funny way of working itself out. And I'm so glad it did. Guess I need a little bad luck to get some great luck.

On another note, I happened to lose my sunglasses and my ring today.

With craziness and luck,

1 comment:

  1. lol i'm seriously trying to figure out what the creepy guy was gonna do with your blazer hahaha

