Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Live A Little.

All my life, my father has drilled the fact in my head that I should save my money. Save it for my student loans (that are currently looming and begin this November). Save it for a new car I will eventually need. Save it for my future. Save it...simply to save. Maybe I'm just naive and too focused on life to save my money. But is that so wrong?

I see life as a short opportunity. An opportunity where you learn, grow, and experience. Why should money get in the way of that? Ever since I can remember, I've realized that when I want something, I go and get it. I don't listen to anyone; I don't listen to rationale, advice, anything. I listen only to myself and what I want to do. And maybe that's wrong. And maybe that's why I sometimes get into trouble. Maybe that's why sometimes I feel a little lost. But frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I figure, it's my life and I'll do what I want with it.

Case in point - spring break vacation. My parents warned me I probably shouldn't be going on vacation. "You can't afford it. "You should save your money." "Just because you're getting a tax refund doesn't mean you should spend it." "Don't forget about those student loans.." Okay, I get all of that. And maybe I should be a little more responsible when it comes to money. But do any of you feel like you just want to experience the world? Live a little on the wild side? Take the chance and worry about the consequences later? That's how I feel.

I randomly went on a whim last night and impulsively bought plane tickets to Puerto Rico, as well as a hotel room for 4 nights for my spring break with one of my best friends. Smart? Maybe not. Awesome? I think so.

When will I ever have this opportunity again? Let's face it, this is my last spring break, as it is for many of you. This is the last time we can actually be a little irresponsible and worry about the consequences later. I like to think of myself as completely driven, responsible, and rational. And this is a vacation I need. A vacation where I can just relax, explore, and actually BREATHE. And you know what? I deserve it. And I can't wait.

With irresponsibility,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The temperature is finally above freezing. The sun is finally happily shining. The birds are finally chirping. And the snow is finally starting to melt.

I cannot tell you how happy I was when I walked outside this morning to discover all of this the other day. This past winter has been remarkably brutal. I remember the first time it snowed back in December; everyone was so excited, especially to have a white Christmas. But now that the nostalgia of the pretty, falling snow has subsided, I know see the snow as unpredictably annoying and just plain ugly as it lies in heaps on the sides of the street. Oh, and have I mentioned that every time I have walked outside my apartment the past two weeks, I've prayed that I would not fall on the ice that coats every side walk on this campus, fearing for the sake of my life?

Needless to say, I am OVER winter. Especially if I can't even snowboard, which is completely impossible in this flatland part of the state. So knowing that spring is on the horizon makes me ecstatic. Spring means baseball season, perfect 60s and 70s weather, long runs outside, chipper birds and curious squirrels, and most importantly, more sun!!!

Don't get me wrong, I love the changing seasons. Winter is not a season I shun, but Mother Nature definitely gave all of us a little bit of a slap this winter with the harsh temperatures, high winds, and mounds of snow. The changing of winter to spring tends to symbolize a lot, especially for us seniors. It's just scary to think that the closer we get to spring, the closer we are to graduating. And that's not something I'm ready for.

With changing emotions,
