Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I had to attend a conference for my job at Electric Beach two weekends ago, and this is probably the last video I thought the speaker would show. But after watching it, I knew I had to share it with all of you:


Life is unexpected. And after watching this video, I realized that nothing is impossible.

We all have our doubts. Doubts we can't get through the day. Doubts we can't succeed. Doubts that people actually care about us. Doubts that we'll fall in love. Doubts that we can't accomplish that far-to-reach goal.

But I think that's a bunch of ludicrous. We have to dig deep inside ourselves and realize "YES WE CAN." (Sorry for the Obama campaign slogan.) But really..the impossible is achievable if you just believe in yourself.

My friend Caroline told me to sign up for the Illinois Half Marathon since I wasn't able to do it this past summer. I told her I wasn't sure I could do it. But she said only four simple words: YOU CAN DO IT.

People probably thought that J Mac wouldn't even make a shot when he was put into the game. But J Mac took all the shots he could take, and after two, succeeded one after the other after the other.

Just like J Mac, if we don't take all the shots of challenges and opportunities handed to us, we'll just all be sitting together on the bench. Or we'll be running around aimlessly, just hoping something will happen to help us get through the game of life. So no matter what you think is holding you back, GO FOR IT.

If you need a little help along the way, your teammates will be on the court with you. If you need to buy some time, dribble the ball a little. If you need to help another out, defend him. And if you're ready, and you're handed that ball, don't hesitate. Shoot.

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