Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Letter from September 5, 2012

So about two years ago, I discovered this website,, where you can write a letter to yourself and pick the date to have it delivered to your e-mail. The last two years, I've written letters to myself and had them sent on my birthday. I was pleasantly surprised when I got the letter I wrote to myself last year on my birthday in my e-mail today, because I completely had forgotten that I had written it.

It's funny how in a year, so much can change, but remain the same. I just want to put it out there (as I've said time and time again) how blessed I feel to live the life I live and to have the family and friends that are always there for me. I am so, so thankful for everything I have, especially when I'm constantly reminded how lucky I am when I see homeless people living on the street and hear about the murders that happen on a daily basis in this city. My heart pains for the awful things that happen in the world and I hope someday, I can make a difference in some way. 

Thank you to my dearest family and friends for the wonderful birthday wishes today. I can't tell you how much I truly appreciate it all!

Without further ado....

Dear FutureMe,

Wow, I cannot believe another year has already passed. You are officially 25 - time for that quarter life crisis. I wonder how much you are freaking out!

As I sit here on my 24th birthday, I really can't complain about how my life has turned out thus far. I've officially moved out of the parents' house and am living on my own with Morgan, who's been such a great roommate. We've sure had our fair share of experiences already in Chicago. It wasn't easy moving out and saying good-bye to Mom and Dad, but I've learned to really live on my own the past few months and be completely independent and responsible. It's actually fairly refreshing. Nevertheless, their relationship with me is one I cherish most. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for them and I wouldn't be the woman I am today without them. Never forget that. They raised me into the person I am and for that, I'll always be grateful for them always being by my side and supporting me.

Kerri and I have gotten closer over the year with her now living in Chicago, and I hope that relationship still remains dear and near to your heart.

My job is pretty meh at this point, but am casually looking around to see what else is out there. I know I'm deemed for more. I have yet to travel the world and help people, which really is my dream. I hope this letter finds you well and you have started to follow this dream of yours.

This is the first birthday without Grandma. With her passing away 2 weeks ago, things have been rough. It's hard to swallow that she's really gone, but I know deep down she is happier where she is. May she RIP always, as I know she will be with me along the paths I take in this life, along with my other grandparents that have passed away.

This past year, I've really learned who my real and true friends are (Brittany, Tarah, Kaitlin, Lindsey, Sarah, Morgan, Elle, Niki, Lauren, Meg, Camille, Mike Bauer, Matt Arce, etc.). It's been hard realizing that some friendships truly just do fall apart. I've learned to keep those friends that keep me close to them, close to my heart. I really do feel blessed for the friendships that I have.

And lastly, my amazing, caring, loving, boyfriend Adam. How we found each other and developed our beautiful relationship is really beyond me but I thank my lucky stars every day for bringing him to me. He has been everything I've wanted in a man and more. He has made me the happiest I have ever been with someone and I'm praying, PRAYING, you are both still together and loving life together. You've deserved the best and I really think you've found it. He's The One. I love him SO much.

This year has been a series of highs and lows - new relationship, new friendships, new living situation, deaths, awful days at work, etc. However, no matter how tough things have got, you have remained composed and strong. You've tackled every obstacle that's come your way and I hope that's still the same on your 25th birthday. Keep your head high always and keep a smile on your face.

I really hope this letter finds you well and that you are just as happy as you are on your 24th birthday. Life is great. xoxo
